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Designing the Perfect Clinic Space

My clinic, Pediatric Therapy Playhouse, is turning 11 years old!! 

I seriously can't believe it. 

One of the biggest lessons I've learned in my 11 years as a clinic owner has been how to make a clinic space that works best for me and my business. 

I recently moved into a new clinic after being in our previous space for over 5 years. 

And you may be shocked to hear this, but I actually moved in a smaller space!

I have found what works for me, my therapists, and our clients. And I'm here to tell you that bigger isn't always better. 

You don’t need a giant clinic with tons of empty rooms.

And you don’t need a sensory gym (though it is nice to have!)

What you NEED is a space that works for you and for your clients. 

Here are my top 4 tips for designing your perfect therapy space that supports your clients and their sensory needs:

1 - Assess Your Space: Walk into your space and put yourself in the shoes of your clients. How does this space make you feel? Consider all the sensory systems when assessing your space. Is it too bright? Too loud? Too colorful?

2 - Assess Your Clients: Review your caseload and make a list of your clients who need alerting input vs calming input. Does your space give you options to provide both during your sessions?

3 - Make Your Wish List: Write down your must-have items and anything you would like to have in your room. You can check out my Amazon Storefront to get ideas on what you can include in your space. 

4 - Make Small Changes Over Time: Write down what sensory tools and toys you have and the sensory system it addresses. Continue to slowly add items from your wish list based on the sensory systems you want to address. Remember, you don’t need to buy everything all at once! 

I created a handout that goes over each of these 4 steps and gives tons of examples on how you can design the perfect sensory supportive space for you and your clients. Even if you don’t have a clinic space!

If you are a member of the NeuroAffirm Therapy Academy, you can expect this resource to be in your Academy Library soon! 

Not a member of the NeuroAffirm Academy? It’s not too late to join and still get access to our Founding Member pricing of just $97 for the year! 

When you join the Academy you will get a library full of resources, live calls with our Autistic mentor, and all the CEUs you need for a year, in everything ND affirming! 

>> Click here to learn more about becoming a member of the Academy

And if you want to see how I designed my new clinic space, check out this episode of my live show: Designing the Perfect Clinic Space