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How To Help Autistic Kids Communicate

I sat in the beige armchair of my dingy apartment I had recently moved into post-divorce. 

I had just put my two boys to bed and was scrolling through social media.

The pandemic had just hit, and SLPs from all over the world were going into fight or flight.

My feed was littered with frantic therapists who were all asking the same question, what in the world are we going to do?

If we’re struggling to engage our Autistic students in person, how are we going to engage them through a screen?

To this day I can’t tell you why this idea came over me.

This decision I made within a split second to post in a big group forum. It’s not like I had a bandwidth for anything else in my life.

I had recently been divorced. It was a pandemic.

I was taking care of 2 young kids with spotty childcare.

I was dealing with convincing a team of therapists in my clinic that they were going to be fully capable tele-therapists.

But as I sat there, reading these posts of SLPs who were throwing their hands up in the air and seriously considering quitting and collecting unemployment instead, I guess I just couldn’t help myself.

I posted in a big group asking: If I go live tomorrow and talk about how to do teletherapy with Autistic kids who need a high level of support, would you come?

The next day I was in my office with a whiteboard on a live training with hundreds of SLPs who were eager to learn how to support their Autistic clients virtually.

When therapists were being taught that they should sit their Autistic clients at a table and show them enlarged pictures of kids’ dramatic faces and have them guess what they were feeling and why, with a token board by their side, I was teaching therapists to do the opposite.

While the world was focused on compliance, structure and rote memorization, I was focused on regulation, engagement and intrinsic motivation.

Therapists loved this change of pace. They were happier at work. Their kids were happier in therapy.

This split second idea to post in a group snowballed into speaking, training, articles…and now a book.

I’m so excited to announce that Ready Set Connect is now available for purchase!

You can go to to order your copy. 

And I can’t believe I’m saying this but only a few hours after release and we are an Amazon Best Seller. 🤯😍

THANK YOU (x 1 million!!) to everyone who has ordered the book AND those of you who have been around championing this mission of changing the way we support Autistic kids around the world. ❤️

Reminder…we have super special bonuses that you get immediate access to once you order ⤵️

One…the free audiobook! (which I JUST finished and is ready for you!!)

Two…the Ready Set Connect Guidebook that’s designed for you to use as you move through the book to implement everything you learn.

Three…a free training that goes deeper into the content that is covered in the book! We’ve got one for parents and one for professionals, so you can choose the one that would be best for you.

Plus MORE….! We’ve still got some secrets we’re hiding and you’ll have to wait and see.🤫

Order the book & claim your bonuses here: