Using Sensory To Build Language In Gestalt Processors

As human beings, we rely heavily on our senses to process and interpret the world around us. Sensory processing involves our ability to take in, organize and respond to sensory information from our environment.
In speech therapy, using sensory strategies can be extremely effective in helping kids improve their communication skills. This is especially true when working with gestalt processors. When it comes to working with gestalt processors, it's crucial we understand how they take in and interpret the world the world.
Sensory strategies can help enhance attention, motivation, and participation, making speech sessions more enjoyable and effective.
Here are a few reasons why we should use sensory strategies in speech sessions, especially with gestalt processors:
- Enhancing Attention
Sensory strategies can help improve a child's attention during speech therapy sessions. For example, incorporating activities that involve tactile and proprioceptive input can help stimulate the nervous system and promote alertness. Activities such as finger painting, using a fidget toy, or playing with playdoh can engage a child's senses and increase their ability to focus on speech tasks. When a gestalt processor is more attentive, they can better take in the language we are modeling.
- Promoting Motivation
Using sensory strategies can also help promote motivation during speech therapy sessions. Children are more likely to be motivated when activities are fun and engaging. By incorporating sensory activities, we can create a more enjoyable and interactive experience for children, increasing their willingness to participate in speech tasks. Increasing motivation can help us know what language we should be modeling for our clients.
- Improving Memory and Learning
Sensory strategies can also improve memory and learning during speech therapy sessions. For example, incorporating multisensory activities that engage multiple senses can help our clients better remember information. Activities such as using visual aids, music, or movement can help kids associate information with sensory input, making it easier to recall later. We know that gestalt processors are also gestalt cognitive processors so pairing gestalts with movement can help increase overall comprehension of new language models.
Using sensory strategies in speech therapy sessions can have numerous benefits for children of all ages. Sensory strategies can enhance attention, promote motivation, and improve memory and learning. By incorporating sensory activities into speech therapy sessions, we can create a more enjoyable and effective learning experience for our clients, especially our gestalt processors.
Check out this week's episode of Making the Shift to hear how using sensory strategies helped a therapist discover that her client was a gestalt processor: Making the Shift, Ep. 50