Help Your Autistic Child Regulate & Communicate At Home With The Inside Out “Self-Paced” Sensory-Communication Course For Parents

Seeing Your Child Unable To Communicate Can Make You Feel Helpless...


You desperately want your child to be able to express their needs.

To enjoy everything life has to offer them and to become independent.

To be able to connect with you and others.

And to reach their fullest potential.

But If You’re Like Any Of The Other Parents We’ve Worked With… You May Be Trapped In A Cycle Where You Either:

>> A. Helplessly watch your child meltdown because they can’t seem to express themselves… and can’t “get out” what they so desperately want to tell you…

>> B. Struggle endlessly to get your child regulated because they’re a “sensory seeker” who’s too busy jumping, swinging and bouncing off the walls to communicate (and you’re worried they may be missing crucial development windows because of it)...

>> C. Feel at a loss for how to engage your child because they seem uninterested in discovering or developing their communication (maybe your child is highly interested in a single object, subject, or just repeats the same behavior over and over)...

If You Knew Exactly What Steps To Take To Get Your Child Communicating… At Least You’d Know Where To Start…


>> But even after painstaking hours of research into every corner of the internet (which turns up both good and bad information combined, and may have further confused you about what you should actually be doing)…

>> And even after trying things like compliance-based therapy (which only teaches your child to “request” a few things, but leaves you at a loss for how to develop higher level language and meaningful connection)…

>> And even after taking your child to an OT (who can help with accomplishing functional tasks like brushing teeth and putting on clothes, but not communication)…

You Realize… You’re Still Lacking Something. And You Need Support With Helping Your Child To Communicate

And It’s Moments Like These When Many Of The Parents We Work With Feel The Most Lost, Stressed, Frustrated,    Exhausted… And Worried

>> Worried you won’t be able to help your child to express themselves and experience the joy of connection and communication…

>> Worried your child is missing critical developmental windows and won’t reach their full potential in life, happiness and fulfillment…

>> Worried you won’t know what to do during the next “grocery store” meltdown… and wondering if the nightmare of not knowing what to do will ever end…

If You Feel Like There’s A Piece Missing… It’s Because

There Actually Is…

Help Your Autistic Child Regulate & Communicate At Home With The Inside Out Sensory-Communication Course For Parents


Seeing Your Child Unable To Communicate Can Make You Feel Helpless...


You desperately want your child to be able to express their needs.

To enjoy everything life has to offer them and to become independent.

To be able to connect with you and others.

And to reach their fullest potential.

But If You’re Like Any Of The Other Parents We’ve Worked With… You May Be Trapped In A Cycle Where You Either:

>> A. Helplessly watch your child meltdown because they can’t seem to express themselves… and can’t “get out” what they so desperately want to tell you…

>> B. Struggle endlessly to get your child regulated because they’re a “sensory seeker” who’s too busy jumping, swinging and bouncing off the walls to communicate (and you’re worried they may be missing crucial development windows because of it)...

>> C. Feel at a loss for how to engage your child because they seem uninterested in discovering or developing their communication (maybe your child is highly interested in a single object, subject, or just repeats the same behavior over and over)...

If You Knew Exactly What Steps To Take To Get Your Child Regulated & Communicating… At Least You’d Know Where To Start


>> But even after painstaking hours of research into every corner of the internet (which turns up both good and bad information combined, and may have further confused you about what you should actually be doing)…

>> And even after trying things like compliance-based therapy (which only teaches your child to “request” a few things, but leaves you at a loss for how to develop higher level language and meaningful connection)…

>> And even after taking your child to an OT (who can help with accomplishing functional tasks like brushing teeth and putting on clothes, but not communication)…

You Realize, You’re Still Lacking Something And You Need More Support...

It’s Moments Like These When Many Of The Parents We Work With Feel The Most Lost, Stressed, Frustrated,    Exhausted… And Worried

>> Worried you won’t be able to help your child to express themselves and experience the joy of connection and communication…

>> Worried your child is missing critical developmental windows and won’t reach their full potential in life, happiness and fulfillment…

>> Worried you won’t know what to do during the next “grocery store” meltdown… and wondering if the nightmare of not knowing what to do will ever end…

If You Feel Like There’s A Piece Missing… It’s Because

There Actually Is…

"Inside Out...has been a light in the darkness..."


“The Inside Out Sensory Communication Program for parents has been a light in the darkness for my family and I. It has provided insight, clarity and overall a better look and understanding of my autistic child’s needs. In which I have learned my daughter's highest needs are very specific to her communication and sensory system!

"Jessie and her knowledgeable staff are able to break down very intricate, complex systems in such an understanding, multi-dimensional approach. This program has provided knowledge, an abundance of resources and most importantly a sense of community. My job as a mom is to make my child feel loved, safe, and understood.

"Without this program I was falling short in my ability to connect, understand and help my child regulate. I now know when you regulate the body, you regulate the brain! Lastly, this program has helped my own emotional state as I feel so empowered knowing I am guiding my child by providing specific support and a foundation to promote self-understanding.

I am still learning but if you're feeling lost, just remember to turn on the light! Thank you Jessie & staff!”

— Ashley F.

You Need A Deep Knowledge Of How To Address Your Child’s Sensory Needs If You Want To Help Them Communicate


Up to 95% of autistic kids experience varying levels of sensory differences.

And let’s be honest, you probably wouldn’t still be reading this unless your child is affected by some of these differences.

Which leaves you with two very real challenges:

Challenge #1: Without Addressing Your Child’s Sensory Needs First, Your Child Can’t Reach Regulation — And Without Regulation, Communication Can’t Happen

In order to help your child communicate and connect, they need to climb from the bottom of the “Language Staircase” to the top — filling in those bottom steps first.

Your child needs to reach their Optimal Learning Zone of regulation.

Here’s how your child reaches communication:

Step 1:

Sensory System Support

Step 2:

Regulation & Engagement

Step 3:

Communication & Connection

Your child must climb these steps. One at a time. In this order. Before they can be ready to attend, engage and connect.

But that’s not the only challenge…

Challenge #2: Every Child’s Sensory Needs Are Like A Combination Lock

Think of your child’s communication like a combination lock

Every child has their own, unique combination of sensory needs that they need supported in order to unlock regulation & communication.

What you need is the correct combination of strategies for your child.

And once you have the right combination…

You Can Help Your Child Communicate, Connect And Thrive!

"...made me more confident in knowing that I am able to support my son in all the right ways."

The inside out Sensory Communication program has been one of the best things to happen to us! I have learned so much and we are still in the beginning of this wonderful journey.

"The program has helped me understand my son more than ever! Having more knowledge, resources and tools has made me more confident in knowing that I am able to support my son in all the right ways.

"What is also really nice about this program is that you become part of a community with parents and we can learn from each other's experiences as well. I really encourage parents to enroll and invest their time in this program and benefit from Jessie and the team’s knowledge.

"I am truly grateful for this amazing opportunity and can't wait to learn more throughout the year.”

— Nataly A.

When You Have A Deep Knowledge Of Your Child’s Sensory Needs — You Can:

>> Help your child reach higher levels of communication with you and others…

>> Become the proactive parent who can help your child stay regulated and avoid painful meltdowns…

>> Empower your child to express what they need so they don’t lash out because they feel misunderstood…

>> Skillfully support your child as they climb the Language Staircase so they can unlock the door at the top and let you into their little world…

>> Ensure that your child reaches their fullest potential in life and finds more happiness and fulfillment…

>> Become a stronger, more confident advocate who can educate others in your life about your child’s needs…

And if all that ^^ is what you need, then all this ⌄⌄ is how you get there…



Become The Sensory Savvy Parent With The Ability To Confidently Address Your Child’s Needs And Help Them Communicate At Home

When you enroll in this multi-part “at-your-own-pace” sensory course for parents, you’re setting your feet on the path to better connection and communication with your child.


âś” Regulation becomes possible

âś” Connection becomes possible

âś” Higher levels of communication become possible

âś” Feeling confident as a parent again becomes possible

âś” Knowing exactly what to do with your child and why becomes possible



"[Inside Out]... helped me gain more knowledge of what my daughter is going through and how to better help her." 


"Being able to help my child is one thing that drives me to learn more, When i found this program I was excited to be working with a group of therapist that understand the sensory issues I was seeing in my child.

"There are not a lot of therapists that understand what I was trying to explain. During this program I have learned more about my daughters needs and how I can help her.

"The breakdown and detail explanation the program has along with the note sheets provided have helped me gain more knowledge of what my daughter is going through and how to better help her.

"I can’t wait to see what the rest of the program brings."

— Natalie A.



(...and carefully re-created to make this powerful sensory knowledge ACCESSIBLE and ACTIONABLE for parents…)


The core of what you’ll discover in Inside Out has been used to coach thousands of parents, train hundreds of SLPs across the globe, and has impacted the lives of thousands of children with sensory needs.

Inside Out has been proven to help you get more regulation, more connection, and higher levels of communication.


It’s a powerful and transformative journey that you and your family can travel together

"It's honestly been life-changing for our whole family - not just my son..."

"Before joining the inside-out program, I had no idea how to navigate my son's autism. We were just going through the motions, trying our best but never really understanding what was going on.

"But now, thanks to the team and all the information we've learned about sensory deregulation, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

"We finally have a better understanding of why certain things can trigger meltdowns or challenging behaviors, and how to create strategies to support him in those moments.

"It's honestly been life-changing for our whole family - not just my son, but for me and my husband and our girls as well. We feel more equipped and empowered to provide the best care for our son and address his needs in a way that works for him.

"Thank you so much, the inside-out program! You guys are absolute lifesavers."

— Solange R.





Part 1 of the course is 3 transformative modules of video content, handouts, and assessments that will teach you all about the neurodiversity paradigm, the core sensory systems, as well as key concepts like Optimal Arousal Band Theory, and much much more.

You’ll dive into all 8 sensory systems. Gain an understanding of sensory defensiveness, sensory under-responsiveness, and sensory modulation (which are all extremely important to regulation!).

After Part 1, you’ll be equipped with new language you can use to confidently advocate for your child to schools, therapists, and other people in your child’s life. 

You’ll begin to “peer into” the inner workings of your child as you delve into sensory systems and discover the foundational principles of regulation that take sensory needs into account.



âś” An easy-to-understand set of concepts that will teach you the roles of sensory systems on your child’s regulations and communication…

âś” How this simple set of concepts is actually the hidden framework of a system that makes attention, engagement, and use of language possible…

âś” Gain an understanding of Neurodiversity Affirming and Strengths-based support so you can ensure your child is receiving it from you AND other people in their lives, like schools, and therapists…

âś” Discover the key components of sensory systems, sensory modulation, and registration and the different ways your child may experience these inputs leading to dysregulation

âś” Why all the behaviors you see today in your child (the good, the bad, and the really challenging) are actually not good or bad at all. They’re a decodable smoke signal that can open your eyes and give you new, actionable insight about your child



âś” Pull back the curtain on the Optimal Learning Zone (this is where your child needs to be in order to attend and access their ability to communicate)…

âś” Discover the Optimal Arousal Band, and Optimal Arousal Theory in a way that is easy-to-learn and accessible

âś” Take a ride through Levels of Arousal and how this framework can assist you in keeping your child regulated every day



âś” Uncover all EIGHT sensory systems that may be affecting your child. You’ll leave this with far greater insight into why your child does what they do, which can help you be more proactive as a parent…

âś” Decode your child’s “seeking” or “defensive” behaviors as we get granular with each individual sensory system (you’ll start to see why your child may cover their ears, be sensitive to light, balance/gravitational sensitivity, and a list of other sensory needs you might be seeing…)

âś” Discover how you can intentionally provide your child with different sensory inputs to help them regulate PROACTIVELY to prevent dysregulation ahead of time (this changes everything!)...


"...more intuitive with caring for our sons' individual needs."


"The content so far helps in beginning to become more intuitive with caring for our sons’ individual needs. We are learning to ask more questions and therefore receive more support than ever.

"Knowing what kinds of needs are present ends up helping us know how to better inform and advocate for specific needs."

— Krista S.



In Part 2 of the course, you’ll get to know your child’s individual sensory needs, intimately.

You’ll develop an incredibly comprehensive “sensory profile” revealing crucial information about your child’s sensory needs, as well as methods for hypothesizing and performing tests that will help you understand your child even better.

You’ll use the powerful assessment tool to assess and continually reassess your child’s sensory needs throughout their entire life. This will help you guide them through each developmental stage as they grow and thrive.  

After Part 2, you’ll know and understand your child beyond anything you’ve experienced so far. You’ll be able to connect more deeply with them, to see into their little world, and to be a more capable and effective parent.




âś” Get my easy-to-use assessment system to uncover your child’s unique needs (this is the same internationally acclaimed system that I use in my practice!)...

âś” Reveal your child’s sensory patterns, sensory preferences, and levels of arousal based on EACH sensory system

âś” Comprehensive walkthroughs, videos and handouts so you can make sense of everything the assessment tells you (you’ll learn SO much about your child at this stage!)...

âś” Develop your child’s very first sensory profile! With this profile, you’ll be able to see EXACTLY what your child’s sensory needs are so you can develop strategies for addressing them!


" much helpful information I'm taking away from this course."


"There is so much helpful information I’m taking away from this course. I’m learning the reason for my son’s meltdowns are because he’s not regulated.

"That’s a start for my family, knowing that there is a reason helps relieve the stress and anxiety we feel. We can now move forward to find out more on how to help him.

"Thank you"

— Sandy G.



Part 3 is the final piece. You’ll get a GIANT toolbox full of the sensory strategies you need to get your child regulated, engaged, and communicating. 

We’ll walk you through the strategies with “over-the-shoulder” videos, tutorials and case studies with kids from our practice so you can confidently perform these strategies yourself, at home.

No equipment is necessary. But there will be suggestions and tutorials for how to use certain sensory equipment in case you want to utilize these strategies.

AND… since you’ve already gone through Part 1 & 2… you’ll know exactly which unique strategies your child needs!

After Part 3, you’ll have all the strategies you need to be paired with foundational knowledge in sensory systems so you can keep your child regulated, get them engaged, and help them communicate.




âś” Use your child’s sensory profile to design extremely effective at-home therapy for your child!

âś” Find out how to connect your child’s sensory preferences, patterns, and levels of arousal with the right therapy strategies

âś” Master incorporating different sensory inputs into a variety of therapeutic strategies to make supporting and connecting with your child more effective

âś” Practice using Alerting or Calming inputs, environmental changes, and tons of other strategies to keep your child regulated based on their individual sensory needs…

âś” Follow along with videos of me working with real clients from our practice so you can actually SEE how all this works with a variety of different kids with different needs!



âś” Effectively plan your child’s communication ascension by creating goals and analyzing your strategy options… 

âś” Create powerful Action Plans that target your child’s sensory needs, help them achieve regulation, and breakthrough into new levels of communication…

âś” Fuel your child’s at-home therapy with a variety of customizable sensory activities that keep them attending & engaged based on their own unique personality (*shows how to do therapy without equipment AND with equipment + equipment suggestions & walkthroughs)..

âś” Equip yourself with even MORE language, knowledge, and ability to advocate for your child with therapists and schools to foster a dream team that provides the consistency your child so desperately needs…


"There was so much I was seeing in my daughters that I did not know was sensory related..."

"I originally looked into this program to help me learn strategies for my oldest but as I went through the material, quickly recognized that both of my kids needed significant sensory support.

"The way that Jessie, Emily, Celina and the rest of the team teach the content and give their support makes it so easy to understand, digest, and apply.

"There was so much I was seeing in my daughters that I did not know was sensory related and the knowledge I have gained from this course has given me tools to not only identify strategies that work for my kids but also collaborate and communicate with their teachers, therapists and doctors and other important people in our lives."

— Lena D.




You can now access the transformative power of Inside Out in a way that fits your budget.

Get all 3 parts now with a special “pay-in-full” discount. Or get it one Part at a time, when you’re ready and you can afford it.

There’s no subscription necessary, and you get to keep each part you buy forever!



When you enroll in the Inside Out course for parents today, you can expect that within the next few months (if you put in the work), you’ll be the kind of parent who’s able to confidently support and address your child’s sensory needs.

You’ll be the rare kind of parent with the language skills you need to communicate your child’s needs to everyone in their life so they can get the right support…

And you’ll know exactly which steps to take to help your child get regulated, communicating and connecting — whether you’re at home, the grocery store, or grandma and grandpa’s house.



âś” Lifetime access to a 3-Part, 6-module “At Home” Sensory Communication Course for parents (Value $2,291)

âś” A workbook + complete toolkit full of resources for assessing and treating your autistic child — you’ll want to keep these under your pillow (Value $497)

âś” My easy-to-use sensory assessment template that you’ll love using this with your child, again and again as they grow ($397)

âś” 15+ assessments & quizzes to help you gauge your progress

TOTAL VALUE = $3,185

For Just 997

Buy Part 1


Gets you:

✔ Part 1 of the online “At Home” Sensory Communication Program for Parents covers 3 transformative modules of video content that will teach you all about the neurodiversity paradigm, the core sensory systems, as well as key concepts like Optimal Arousal Band Theory, and much much more. (Value $297)

✔ Your Ultimate Toolkit: Receive a workbook and complete toolkit brimming with invaluable resources for assessing and treating sensory needs. Keep these resources close - they're your secret weapons.

Add on Later:

Part 2 - Assessing Sensory Differences (Value $497)

Part 3 - Designing Sensory Based Activities (Value $497)

*total cost to buy in parts is $1291


Buy Full Course

$997 (save $294)

Gets you:

✔ Lifetime access to all 6-modules of the online “At Home” Sensory Communication Program for parents. Your key to making every aspect of helping your child communicate easier — you’ll have access for as long as this course exists (Value $997)

✔ Your Ultimate Toolkit: Receive a workbook and complete toolkit brimming with invaluable resources for assessing and treating sensory needs. Keep these resources close - they're your secret weapons. (Value $497)

✔ My easy-to-use sensory assessment template (Value $397)

✔ Community Connection: Access our exclusive members-only online parent community. Connect with fellow parents, share experiences, and build a support network that lasts a lifetime.

Buy Full Course (save $294)

*one-time payment gets you lifetime access to the course for $997


"Overall, the program has greatly improved my psychological and emotional state as a mother."


"Before taking the Inside Out program, I struggled with feeling confident in my role as a mother and knowing how to best support my children's development.

"However, the program helped me shift my perspective and taught me tools to navigate difficult situations.

"I now feel more confident in responding to my children's emotions and providing them with sensory needs. Overall, the program has greatly improved my psychological and emotional state as a mother.

"I highly recommend it to any parent looking for guidance and support in raising autistic kids."

— Solange R.


When you enroll in Inside Out today, you’ll never be more than a few clicks away from turning on live support if you need/want help.



âś” Collaboration Calls - group setting calls over Zoom where we tackle problems, provide guidance, and answer all your questions (Value $297/mo.)

âś” Support Groups - group calls with autistic coach Chloe Estelle (she is autistic)! These will give you a deeper look into autistic perspectives and help you connect more with your child (Value $297/mo.)

âś” Access to our members-only online parent community so you can meet other parents, share ideas and solutions, and connect throughout the program (Value $47/mo.)

TOTAL VALUE = $641/mo.


Yours for just 97/mo.

*If you want to add this, make sure to “check” the checkbox on the checkout page before completing your order. Otherwise, you can also reach out to our team to turn on these live support components at any time.

Buy Part 1


Gets you:

✔ Part 1 of the online “At Home” Sensory Communication Program for Parents covers 3 transformative modules of video content that will teach you all about the neurodiversity paradigm, the core sensory systems, as well as key concepts like Optimal Arousal Band Theory, and much much more. (Value $297)

✔ Your Ultimate Toolkit: Receive a workbook and complete toolkit brimming with invaluable resources for assessing and treating sensory needs. Keep these resources close - they're your secret weapons.

Add on Later:

Part 2 - Assessing Sensory Differences (Value $497)

Part 3 - Designing Sensory Based Activities (Value $497)

*total cost to buy in parts is $1291


Buy Full Course

$997 (save $294)

Gets you:

✔ Lifetime access to all 6-modules of the online “At Home” Sensory Communication Program for parents. Your key to making every aspect of helping your child communicate easier — you’ll have access for as long as this course exists (Value $997)

✔ Your Ultimate Toolkit: Receive a workbook and complete toolkit brimming with invaluable resources for assessing and treating sensory needs. Keep these resources close - they're your secret weapons. (Value $497)

✔ My easy-to-use sensory assessment template (Value $397)

✔ Community Connection: Access our exclusive members-only online parent community. Connect with fellow parents, share experiences, and build a support network that lasts a lifetime.

Buy Full Course (save $294)

*one-time payment gets you lifetime access to the course for $997


"I come off each call feeling stronger and more empowered..."


"I am enrolled in the Sensory Communication Program for Parents. I feel so fortunate to have found Jessie, Emily and the team. The content of the course is not only interesting and stimulating, but equips parents with the knowledge and strategies to hopefully help their children. The course is divided into modules and encompasses group calls throughout.

"Jessie shares so many useful nuggets of information and personal stories that you can easily share them with family members or care givers. Jessie’s expertise is phenomenal and she shares the information in such a user friendly way.

"I come off each call feeling stronger and more empowered. I no longer feel alone in my concerns or lost as to how to help. Sharing with a group is so helpful; hearing stories from other parents makes you realise that others are going through similar issues and you pick up tips and strategies to help. It is so reassuring to have a team who really know their stuff supporting you as a parent.

"I now feel that I can help my youngest son and have already started implementing strategies. I am so excited by the prospect of learning more in the forthcoming modules."

— Zoë H. (has LIVE support)