Empower Your Autistic Child To Regulate & Communicate With a Sensory Program You Can Do At Home

There’s nothing worse than watching your autistic child meltdown because they can’t communicate…
…to watch your child get overwhelmed and frustrated because they just “can’t get out” what they so desperately want to tell you...
It’s like there’s something trapped inside of them. You try so hard to understand them…
…but when you still can’t figure it out, you feel helpless.
You’re scrambling every day to meet your child’s needs… to help them find some way to connect…
But you can't predict how they are going to react...
…and even if your child isn’t melting down…
Dysregulation and “seeking” behavior can make it impossible to gain access to their world…
They may be so busy jumping, swinging, feeling, pushing, pulling — or whatever their favorite thing is — that there’s no room left for communication!
It’s almost like they’re being driven by some invisible and unstoppable force all day long…
And that force robs them (and you) of the ability to connect…

If you’re like most parents I’ve worked with…
>> You want to help your child communicate with you and with others (but it’s been a huge struggle so far…)
>> You want your child to be able to express what they need (so they don’t lash out because they feel misunderstood…)
>> You want to be proactive in helping your child stay regulated (so you can help them avoid painful meltdowns…)
>> You want your child to climb the building blocks of communication (so they can unlock the door at the top and let you into their little world…)
>> You want to better understand your child and their sensory needs (so you can better support them…)
>> You want your child to reach their fullest potential in life, to be happy and fulfilled, (but you sometimes fear the future…)
>> You wish you were a better advocate and could educate others in your life about your child’s needs…

Maybe you’ve tried…
1. Taking your child to compliance-based behavior therapy (but your child hated it and only learned repetitive language to “request” a few things with no real impact on connection)...
2. Going to an OT who practices sensory integration (this is great for functional skills, like brushing teeth and putting on clothes! But unfortunately, they don’t teach communication)…
3. Self-researching, going online, reading books, and creating your own at-home therapies (some of these are great, but you’re still having a hard time putting together a concrete plan that really works for your child…)
You’re still struggling to help your child communicate because you lack the right knowledge…
Knowledge that empowers you with a deep understanding of your child and their sensory needs….
Knowledge that helps you spot dysregulation BEFORE it ever happens…
Knowledge of how you can support your child and give them the consistency they need…
And that’s not your fault.
It’s certainly not because you haven’t tried…
You pour your heart and soul into your child every day — day in, and day out…
You ignore the heavy weight of exhaustion. You set aside the impact on your mental health. You work less hours. You make huge sacrifices.
And yet, I’ve had so many parents tell me:
“Jessie, I feel like I’m not trying hard enough or something… like maybe I’m not a good parent…”

I have one thing to say to you…

You are an AMAZING parent!
No matter how loud that voice in your head tells you that you’re not doing enough…
No matter how many times you’ve felt judged by others when your child melts down in the grocery store…
YOU are doing the best you can with the resources you have…
You’re just missing the one thing you need to make everything about helping your child communicate easier…
Have you ever noticed that sensory therapies help?
If you’ve ever worked with an OT, you’ve seen them do magic with sensory strategies that helped your kid do everyday functional tasks…
If you’ve done sensory therapy at home, you’ve probably noticed it has the most impact on your child and is the most enjoyable for everyone…
That’s because up to 95% of autistic kids experience sensory differences…
And the truth is…

Helping your child communicate starts with sensory too!
Because communication isn’t possible without regulation.
And in order to help your child regulate, you need two things:
#1: A deep understanding of your child’s sensory needs,
#2: A PROACTIVE PLAN to meet those needs…
…so that you can minimize dysregulation & meltdowns and start building real communication.
The problem is…

It’s hard to get your child this kind of help!
Speech therapists who use sensory strategies to help with communication are few and far between.
And unless you’re lucky enough to live next to one of the SLPs we’ve trained…
…you may not have access to a clinic or speech therapist who uses these strategies…
So what can you do?
I’m going to let you in on a BIG secret…
If you have the RIGHT knowledge… you can help your child communicate using sensory strategies at home!
You don’t need a Master’s degree to support your child.
Any parent can learn this system. I know, because we teach the parents we work with at our clinic all the time!
You can become the empowered parent that gives your child unmatched support and consistency… and it all starts with this…
Introducing The “At Home” Sensory-Communication Program For Parents Of Autistic Children
Based On The Internationally-Acclaimed “Inside Out” Sensory Certificate for SLPs

Now you can help your child stay regulated and improve communication with a proven “at home” system that’s designed just for parents of autistic kids!
With the "At Home" Sensory-Communication Program For Parents, you can finally give your kids the consistency and support they need to make leaps and bounds in communication — so that YOU can finally connect with them and help them connect with others…
All you need to empower your child to communicate is…
1. YOU!
2. The desire to make THIS year the year your child breaks through communication barriers...
3. A couple of hours per week over the next 12 months so I can give you EVERYTHING you need to shatter through the impossible and make communication happen!

Get a proven system to help your child communicate…
You'll get our entire system for assessing every need your child has so you can be proactive and never have to wonder what’s going on with them...
- Every strategy, every tool, and every technique we use…
- A full plan that you can customize specifically for your child…
- LIVE calls with Jessie and our team members every month to give you further instruction and support…
- The opportunity to send in videos of you and your child throughout the program so we can give you professional support and guidance throughout the process…
- Access to our exclusive private parent community, where you can support one another and talk about progress and challenges you’re facing…
And do you know what that means?

You don’t have go through this all alone anymore!
No more feeling isolated.
No more floundering to figure everything out on your own.
You’ll have our team to support you along with the other parents in our program to talk to…
This is the support you need to keep you motivated and feeling confident as you push through challenges and experience new breakthroughs…
Can you imagine a world where you have the power to help your child communicate?
But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, here’s something I should mention…
You don’t need to quit other programs like speech therapy…
In fact, even if you have a speech therapist who doesn’t know sensory, you can use this information to educate THEM on the kind of therapy you want your child to have…
…because once you’re equipped with this knowledge, advocating for your child becomes easy…

You’ll finally have the words and the know-how to get your child the neurodiversity affirming support they need…
— whether that’s from your own therapist… or while you’re advocating for your child in an IEP meeting at school!
So what’s inside this program?

First, you get access to an extremely high quality 6-module video training program that will teach you how to use sensory strategies to help your autistic child communicate…
This is similar to the program we’ve used to train hundreds of SLPs, except we’ve created this one just for parents — so it’s easy to learn, accessible, and something that any parent can complete.
Your 6-modules of trainings will cover:
Module 1: Building A Sensory Foundation For Your Child
✔ An easy-to-understand set of concepts you need to know about the roles of sensory systems in regulation and their effect on your child’s ability to communicate…
✔ How this simple set of concepts is actually the secret framework of a system that makes attention, engagement, and use of language possible…
✔ Gain an understanding of Neurodiversity Affirming and Strengths-based support so you can ensure your child is receiving it from you AND other people in their lives, like schools, and therapists…
✔ Discover the key components of sensory systems, sensory modulation, and registration and the different ways your child may experience these inputs leading to dysregulation…
✔ Why all the behaviors you see in your child (the goods, the bads, and the really bads) are actually not good or bad at all, they are a smoke signal you can read that can open your eyes to something much deeper…

Module 2: Regulation & Levels Of Arousal
✔ Get a deep understanding of what I call the Optimal Learning Zone (this is where your child needs to be in order to attend and access their ability to communicate)…
✔ Understanding Levels of Arousal and how this framework can assist you in keeping your child regulated once you understand their sensory needs…
✔ Discover the Optimal Arousal Band, and Optimal Arousal Theory in a way that is easy-to-learn and accessible…
Module 3: Understanding Your Child’s Sensory Systems
✔ Dive deep into all EIGHT of your child’s sensory systems. You’ll experience illumination into why your child does what they do, which can help you meet their needs…
✔ Get to understand your child’s “seeking” or “defensive” behaviors as you gain the ability to understand their individual sensory systems…
✔ How you can intentionally give your child different sensory inputs to help them regulate PROACTIVELY (this changes everything!)...

Module 4: A System For Assessing Your Child’s Needs
✔ Get my easy-to-use assessment system to uncover your child’s unique needs (this is the same internationally acclaimed system that I use in my practice!)...
✔ How to quickly make sense of everything the assessment tells you (you’ll learn SO much about your child at this stage!)...
✔ It’s time to create your child’s first sensory profile! With this profile, you’ll be able to see EXACTLY what kinds of therapy plans your child needs!
Module 5: Designing Sensory Strategies For Your Child
✔ Now it’s time to take your child’s new sensory profile and use it to design effective therapy for your child!
✔ Easily read your assessment to discover your child’s sensory preferences and sensory patterns and use this to choose therapy strategies…
✔ How you can incorporate different sensory inputs into a variety of therapy strategies to make working with your child more effective…
✔ How to provide Alerting or Calming inputs to keep your child regulated based on the sensory profile you’ve built…
✔ Follow along with videos of me working with clients in a Case Study format so you can actually SEE how all this works with a variety of different kids with different needs!

Module 6: Performing Effective Sensory Strategies
✔ Effectively plan your child’s communication ascension by creating goals and analyzing your strategy options…
✔ Create intentional Action Plans to target your child’s sensory needs, achieve regulation, and break through into new levels of communication…
✔ Fuel your child’s at-home therapy with a variety of customizable sensory activities that keep them attending & engaged based on their own unique personality…
✔ Equip yourself with the language, knowledge, and ability to advocate for your child with therapists and schools to foster a dream team that provides the consistency they so desperately need…
But that’s not all... You also get 12 months of support from our team!
I'm Ready - Sign Me Up!

That’s a full year of interactive LIVE calls with Jessie, our team, and other parents to provide you with unmatched support so you can implement what you’ve learned and get individualized feedback…
Over the course of this program, you’ll get to know our team and we’ll get to know you and your child.
You’ll get tons of support from us in a variety of live settings as you face the challenges that have been holding your child and your family back from a better future.
Here’s what you can expect over the next 12 months…

Month 1: Getting To Know You And Your Child
Your first month is going to be all about getting acquainted. We’ll get to know you and your child better, and you’ll get to know us better and the vibe of this program. Here’s what to expect:
✔ Your first welcome call with our team! (bring your family members and your kids if you want!) We’ll set the tone here and talk about where we’re headed…
✔ Your first 1:1 support call with your Program Advisor to get to know more about your family and what you hope to get out of the program.
✔ Send in your first video submission of your child! We want to get to know your little one right away and give you some quick wins right off the bat!
✔ Your first collaboration call (it’s sort of like “coaching”). This is where we’ll get challenges out in the open, answer LIVE questions, and more (note: if you ever can’t make it to these calls, you can still submit your questions beforehand, and we’ll answer them live and provide you with the recorded version!)
✔ Your first support group with Autistic Coach Chloe Estelle! Chloe is a master of coaching parents and therapists on how to understand their autistic kids — because she is autistic! These support groups will provide you with insight from an autistic perspective that can open your mind and help you connect with your child.
✔ Fill out some fun questionnaires that will help us help you and your child throughout the program. We know your child is unique, so we aim to make this as individualized of an experience as possible!

Month 2–4: Start Your Training!
Now that we know each other better, it’s time to kick off the second month with access to the training program! It’s time to have your eyes opened to all the great stuff you can do to help your child with at home sensory therapy — paired with support from our team! Here’s what to expect:
✔ Go through Modules 1–3 and deepen your understanding of everything sensory. You’ll exit these 3 months with so much new and useful knowledge — you’ll probably have a hard time resisting the urge to tell everyone about it!
✔ Monthly Live Collaboration calls (to answer questions, etc.)
✔ Monthly Parent Support Groups with Autistic Coach Chloe Estelle
✔ Monthly 1:1 Check In Call with your Program Advisor
✔ Video Submission w/ individualized feedback (end of month 4) — this is to check in on progress and give you direct feedback on what you’ve learned and what you’re doing.
Month 5: Going Deeper (assessing your child)
In month 5, you’ll start your 4th module in the 6 module sensory program. The topics covered begin to get deeper.
✔ Crack into Module 4 of the sensory course and start assessing your child to build their sensory profile and get a solid understanding of their needs
✔ Monthly Live Collaboration Call (to answer questions, etc.)
✔ Monthly Parent Support Group with Autistic Coach Chloe Estelle
✔ Monthly 1:1 Check In Call with your Program Advisor

Month 6: Designing Your Child’s Future
This month is all about taking your assessment and using it to design your at home support plan. This is a crucial step, and we’ll be there for you through the process, and you’ll be able to send in another video submission for feedback from Jessie and the team.
✔ Monthly Live Collaboration Call (to answer questions, etc.)
✔ Monthly Parent Support Group with Autistic Coach Chloe Estelle
✔ Monthly 1:1 Check In Call with your Program Advisor
✔ Video Submission (with individualized feedback from our team)
Month 7–12: Shifting Focus To Implementation & Locking In Your Skills
Yay! :) With the opening of Month 7 comes the final module of the course which is all about getting hands-on experience. This is the heaviest of all modules with a focus on implementation.
From this point forward till graduation, we'll be providing heavy support with video submissions to make sure you're getting everything locked in.
These will be the most challenging, most fun, most exciting months of the entire program.
✔ Monthly Live Collaboration Call (to answer questions, etc.)
✔ Monthly Parent Support Group with Autistic Coach Chloe Estelle
✔ Monthly 1:1 Check In Call with your Program Advisor
✔ Video Submission (with individualized feedback from our team)

After this program, you can finally understand your child and meet their needs with confidence...

You can become the empowered parent with all the sensory knowledge necessary to help your child communicate...
You can replace the feeling of defeat and helplessness with a concrete plan that's been proven to work thousands of times with autistic kids like yours...
Just enroll... and let this program get you there...
When you enroll today, you get:
✔ Lifetime access to all 6-modules of the online “At Home” Sensory Communication Program for parents — you’ll have access for as long as this course exists (Value $997)
✔ A workbook + complete toolkit full of resources for assessing and treating your autistic child — you’ll want to keep these under your pillow (Value $497)
✔ 12 months with 40+ LIVE calls with our team — Collaboration Calls, Check In Calls, and Support Groups (Value $11,960)
✔ 1:1 call EVERY month with your Program Advisor to provide individualized support (Value $2,360)
✔ Video submissions throughout the program with individualized feedback for your child from Jessie and the team (Value $3,176)
✔ Access to our members-only online parent community (Value $497)
TOTAL VALUE = $19,487
But, to get into this program today, you only need to invest a tiny fraction of the true value…

This program has the power to transform your entire family…
I wanted to make sure this wouldn’t be too much of a financial burden. So I’ve stripped your investment down as low as I can without making it impossible to pay my team.
In fact, we’ve cut down your investment so much, you couldn’t even get three 30-minute sessions at our clinic per month for the same amount.
And yet, in this program, we’re going to be giving you hours of our time every month!
This is truly a no-brainer if you want to help your autistic child communicate, support their sensory needs, and help them stay regulated.
So here’s it is:

Enroll In The "At Home" Sensory-Communication Therapy For Parents Program For Just 299/mo!
(over 12 months)
And save $600 when you choose
This program requires a lot of resources from our team, and as much as we’d like to serve more people, we are adamant on making sure we can invest the most energy into each person that we can.
For that reason, we have to cap this at 40 sign ups.
If you want to empower yourself and your family to help your child communicate this year with sensory strategies, then it’s very important you apply now.